Dutch Social talk

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What’s your name? (formal)Hoe heet u?hoo hayt ew
What’s your name? (informal)Hoe heet je?hoo hayt yuh
My name is (I’m called)…Ik heet…ik hayt…
I am…Ik ben…ik ben
Nice to meet you.Aangenaam (kennis te maken)ahn-guh-nahm (ken-nis tuh mah-kuh)
Mister / Misses / Missmeneer / mevrouw / mejuffrouwmuh-nayr / muh-frow / muh-yuh-frow
Where are you from? (formal)Waar komt u vandaan?vahr kawmt ew fun-dahn
Where are you from? (informal)Waar kom je vandaan?vahr kawn yuh fun-dahn
I am from the Netherlands.Ik kom uit Nederland.ik kawm owt nay-der-lant
Where do you live? (formal)Waar woont u?vahr vohnt ew
Where do you live? (informal)Waar woon je?vahr vohn yuh
I live in England.Ik woon in England.ik vohn in ah-meh-ree-kah
How old are you?Hoe oud bent u?hoo owt bent ew
I am ____ years old.Ik ben … jaar (oud).ik ben … yahr owt
Do you speak Dutch? (formal)Spreekt u Nederlands?spraykt ew nay-der-lahnds
Do you speak English? informal)Spreek je Engels?sprayk yuh ehng-uhls
I [don’t] speak…Ik spreek [geen]…ik sprayk [khayn]
I don’t speak … very well.Ik spreek niet zo goed…ik sprayk neet zoh khood
I [don’t] understand.Ik begrijp het [niet.]ik buh-khraip ut neet
I [don’t] know.Ik weet het [niet.]ik vayt ut [neet]

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