How to learn Dutch? Tip 14 How long does it take to learn Dutch?

It really depends on:

  1. your motivation. Why do you want to learn Dutch? What is your goal?
  2. how much time do you spend watching movies with Dutch subtitles every day?
  3. how much time do you spend to passive listening to the Dutch radio every day?
  4. how much time do you spend on building your Active vocabulary every day?
  5. how many conversations in Dutch do you have every day?
  6. how you use your native memory to memorize new Dutch words.
  7. your learning ability. Some people learn faster than others.

You need at least B2 level to feel that you can express yourself freely, explain your emotions or give your opinion on a difficult topic.

How long does it take to learn Dutch?

I will give a guide line, based on my experience with our students (highly educated expats).

Level of Dutch languageVery fastAverage
A1 level beginner3 months from the start6 – 9 months
A2 level beginner*6 months from the start1 – 2 years *
B1 level1 year from the start3 – 4 years
B2 level1,5 – 2 years from the start5 – 6 years

Learn Dutch | Dutch grammar | Dutch vocabulary | Dutch for beginners | Dutch pronunciation

Dutch Course Eindhoven

* The Dutch government gives you 3 years to pass the Civic Integration Exam (Inburgeringsexamen) if you like to get a Dutch permanent residence permit. Civic Integration Exam is equal to A2 level.

Our Dutch Course consists of 3 parts:

  1. Dutch lessons with our Dutch teacher.
  2. Speaking practice with native speakers.
  3. Online Learning (Homework).

How much time does it take every week?

I will give an example of our Dutch course:

A = aaN = en
B = beeO = oo
C = ceeP = pee
D = deeQ = quu
E = eeR = er
F = efS = es
G = geeT = tee
H = haaU = uu
I = ieV = vee
J = jeeW = wee
K = kaaX = iks
L = elY = ei
M = emmZ = ei
Our Dutch courseDutch lessonsHomework*Speaking practice
A1 level beginner11 weeks, 22 lessons, 44 hours8-10 hours per week7-10 hours per week
A2 level beginner*11 weeks, 22 lessons, 44 hours8-10 hours per week7-10 hours per week
B1 level22 weeks, 22 lessons, 44 hours8-10 hours per week7-10 hours per week

Learn Dutch | Dutch grammar | Dutch vocabulary | Dutch for beginners | Dutch pronunciation

What’s next? Learning tip 14 Do you need a Dutch teacher (or maybe not)?

Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe

Learn Dutch by Yourself:

Learn Dutch with us!

Enrol in our next Online Dutch Course >
Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe

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